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Good Works Prepared

For we are . . . created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

When a burly stranger approached my wife and me on a street abroad, we shrunk back in fear. Our holiday had been going badly; we had been yelled at, cheated, and extorted from several times. Were we going to be shaken down again? To our surprise, the man just wanted to show us where to get the best view of his city. Then he gave us a chocolate bar, smiled, and left. That little gesture made our day—and saved the whole trip. It made us grateful—both to the man and to God for cheering us up.

What had made the man reach out to two strangers? Had he gone around with a chocolate bar the entire day, looking to bless someone with it?

It’s amazing how the smallest action can bring the biggest smile—and possibly direct someone to God. The Bible stresses the importance of doing good works (James 2:17, 24). If that sounds challenging, we have the assurance that God not only enables us to do these works, but has even “prepared [them] in advance for us to do” (Ephesians 2:10).

Perhaps God has arranged for us to “bump into” someone who needs a word of encouragement today or has given us an opportunity to offer someone a helping hand. All we have to do is respond in obedience.

Who can you pray for or help today? Who might God be putting in your path?

Lord, may I respond in obedience and share Your love with others as You have loved me.


One of the amazing realities of our redemption is that because of the cross and resurrection we are now “in Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:17). On a spiritual level, this produces two great results. Ephesians 2:6 tells us that God’s grace causes us to be raised with Him to resurrected life and seated with Him in the heavenly realms. What assurance that gives us! Just as our efforts (vv. 8–9) cannot produce our salvation, they are likewise not the key to our security. Our security is rooted in the fact that we are “in Christ.” Therefore, our place in the Father’s house is so assured that it is as if we were already there.

For more on our eternal home, check out Life to Come: The Hope of the Christian Faith at

Bill Crowder

By |2019-02-06T09:22:32-05:00February 7th, 2019|
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