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Hovering Over Us

He shielded him and cared for him . . . like an eagle that . . . hovers over its young. Deuteronomy 32:10–11

Betty’s daughter arrived home from an overseas trip, feeling unwell. When her pain became unbearable, Betty and her husband took her to the emergency room. The doctors and nurses set to work, and after a few hours one of the nurses said to Betty, “She’s going to be okay! We’re going to take good care of her and get her healed up.” In that moment, Betty felt peace and love flood over her. She realized that while she hovered over her daughter anxiously, the Lord is the perfect parent who nurtures His children, comforting us in difficult times.

In the book of Deuteronomy, the Lord reminded His people how, when they were wandering in the desert, He cared for them as a loving parent who hovers over its young. He never left them, but was like an eagle “that spreads its wings” to catch its children and “carries them aloft” (32:11). He wanted them to remember that although they experienced hardship and strife in the desert, He didn’t abandon them.

We too may face challenges of many kinds, but we can take comfort and courage in this reminder that our God will never leave us. When we feel that we are falling, the Lord like an eagle will spread His wings to catch us (v. 11) as He brings us peace.

Father God, Your love as a parent is greater than anything I can imagine. May my confidence rest in You, and may I share Your love with others.

Our God hovers over us with love.


Deuteronomy comes from the Greek word deuteronomion (“second law”). Much of the content of the book of Deuteronomy is a retelling of the giving of the law to Israel recorded in the book of Exodus. This could be misleading, however, because Deuteronomy is more than just legal code. The first giving of the law marked Israel entering into a covenant relationship with God as His people, but this retelling prepared them for their entrance into the long-awaited land of promise. It reminded the Israelites of their covenant relationship with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and was a reaffirmation of God’s covenant love for them—despite their repeated failures during the wilderness wanderings. God’s faithful, abiding love remained His response to His people. That same love continues today, and His perfect love never fails.

In your times of struggle, do you find it easy to question God’s love? How does God’s faithfulness to Israel encourage you to trust in His faithfulness to you?

Bill Crowder

By |2017-10-04T12:04:49-04:00October 5th, 2017|
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