I hereby grant to Our Daily Bread Ministries Canada, and affiliated Our Daily Bread Ministries offices around the world, the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use and publish my image/photographs and/or photographs of me which may be included, for ministry publications, electronic reproductions (web sites/digital media) and/or promotional materials or any other purpose and in any manner or medium now existing or hereafter developed.
I certify that I am the legal copyright owner of the photo submitted and that submission of the photo indicates the usage of said property as outlined herein. In the event that the photo that I have submitted is proven not to be my personal copyright or ownership, I agree to hold Our Daily Bread Ministries Canada harmless of all infringements, fees, costs and restitution applicable and agree that any such infringements shall revert to my own personal liability.
I hereby hold harmless and release and forever discharge Our Daily Bread Ministries Canada, and other affiliated offices, from all claims, demands, and causes of action which I, my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, or any other persons acting on my behalf or on behalf of my estate have or may have by reason of this authorization.
In addition, I grant my permission to alter the same without restriction; and to copyright the same.
I hereby release Our Daily Bread Ministries Canada and any other affiliated offices globally from all claims and liability relating to said image(s)/photograph(s).
*Images in poor taste will not be accepted.
**Any recognizable brands may need to be removed prior to submitting.