Engage / Running on Empty

Running on Empty

They will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31

Engage / Running on Empty

Running on Empty

January 30, 2023
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Today's Scripture
Isaiah 40:28–31
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“I just don’t think I can do this anymore,” my friend said through her tears as she discussed the overwhelming sense of hopelessness she faced as a nurse in a global health crisis. “I know that God has called me to nursing, but I’m overwhelmed and emotionally drained,” she confessed. Seeing that a cloud of exhaustion had come over her, I responded, “I know you feel helpless right now, but ask God to give you the direction you’re seeking and the strength to persevere.” At that moment, she decided to intentionally seek God through prayer. Soon after, my friend was invigorated with a new sense of purpose. Not only was she emboldened to continue nursing, but God also gave her the strength to serve even more people by traveling to hospitals around the country.

As believers in Jesus, we can always look to God for help and encouragement when we feel overburdened because “He will not grow tired or weary” (Isaiah 40:28). The prophet Isaiah states that our Father in heaven “gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak” (v. 29). Though God’s strength is everlasting, He knows that we’ll inevitably have days when we’re physically and emotionally consumed (v. 30). But when we look to God for our strength instead of trying to sprint through life’s challenges alone, He’ll restore and renew us and give us the resolve to press on in faith.

Reflect & Pray

When have you tried to handle overwhelming situations alone? How might you look to God for help?

Dear God, thank You for helping me when the challenges of life seem unbearable.

For further study, read Why Doesn’t God Answer Me? Trusting in Times of Doubt and Trial.

Today's Insight

God had warned an unrepentant Judah that He would use two pagan superpowers, the Assyrians and the Babylonians, to discipline them for their unfaithfulness (Isaiah 1–39). Then the prophet Isaiah comforted Judah with the promise that God would restore and bless them once the discipline was completed (chs. 40–66). In chapter 40, Isaiah spoke tenderly of God’s loving care for them—“He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart” (v. 11). Isaiah also extolled the sovereignty, authority, and omnipotence of God (vv. 1–26). Addressing their sense of abandonment (v. 27), the prophet assured them that God wasn’t only resolute in blessing them but also had the absolute power to do so (v. 28). As the everlasting, omnipotent Creator, He was the source of their strength (v. 29). Isaiah called on these despondent Jews to trust God to carry out His promises (vv. 30–31).