Engage / Share Your Faith

Share Your Faith

Come over to Macedonia and help us. Acts 16:9

Engage / Share Your Faith

Share Your Faith

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Today's Scripture
Acts 16:1–10
Listen to today's devotional

In 1701, the Church of England founded the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in order to send missionaries around the globe. The motto they chose was transiens adiuva nos—Latin for “Come over and help us!” This has been the call on gospel ambassadors since the first century, as followers of Jesus take the message of His love and forgiveness to a world in desperate need of it.  

The phrase “come over and help us” comes from the “Macedonian call” described in Acts 16. Paul and his team had arrived at Troas on the west coast of Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey, v. 8). There, “Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us’ ” (v. 9). Having received the vision, Paul and his companions “got ready at once to leave for Macedonia” (v. 10). They understood the vital importance of the call.

Not everyone is called to cross the seas, but we can support those who do with our prayers and finances. And all of us can tell someone, whether across the room, the street, or the community, about the good news of Jesus. Let’s pray that our good God will enable us to cross over and give people the greatest help of all—the opportunity for forgiveness in Jesus’ name.

Reflect & Pray

Where is God calling you to share your faith? How might He empower you to do this today?

Loving Father, You sent Your Son for our rescue and forgiveness. Equip me to be an agent of Your great good news that forgiveness and freedom are available to whoever will receive Jesus by faith.

For further study, read Gospel Conversations: Sharing the Story of Jesus.

Today's Insight

There’s a fascinating note in Luke’s description of Paul’s journey to Philippi (Acts 16:1-12). In verse 6, he says: “Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia.” The apostle had been prevented from preaching by the Spirit! Somehow, in God’s good plan, they were to bypass Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey) in order to cross over to Greece and begin the movement of the gospel in Europe. The text doesn’t tell us why this was done, but we can be sure that—knowing God’s heart for the lost everywhere—it wasn’t a reflection of any lack of love for those in Asia Minor.