
About Brent Hackett

With a background in newspaper publishing, radio broadcasting, and the Christian booksellers industry, Brent Hackett was the Executive Director/CEO of Our Daily Bread Ministries Canada from 2011 to 2024. Brent and his wife, Angie, have four children and three grandchildren.

What Scripture Reveals

By |2025-01-10T01:33:13-05:00January 10th, 2025|

In April 1817, a disoriented young woman was found wandering around in Gloucestershire, England, wearing exotic clothes and speaking an unknown language. Assuming she was a beggar, authorities placed her in prison. However, she convinced her captors that she was Princess Caraboo from the island of Javasu. For ten weeks, the community treated her as royalty until a boardinghouse keeper revealed that the woman was, in fact, a servant girl named Mary Willcocks.

We may wonder how this young woman deceived an entire community for almost three months. But the book of 2 John warns us that deception is nothing new as it mentions “many deceivers . . . who have gone out into the world” (v. 7). These are people who deny that Jesus Christ came “in the flesh” (v. 7), or those who go beyond what Christ taught (v. 9)—proclaiming that the Bible isn’t adequate for us today. Both these types of deceivers can cause us to not “receive [our] full reward” (v. 8 nlt) and can even trick us into helping them in their work (v. 11).

No one likes to be deceived. The people of Gloucestershire didn’t lose much, just some clothing and a few meals. But the Bible says that the consequences of sin and deception continue to threaten us. As we engage with Scripture, God will help us avoid deception as we “walk in obedience to his commands” (v. 6). 

Encouraged by God’s Promises

By |2024-12-09T01:33:36-05:00December 9th, 2024|

It was a long day at the hospital. Still no answers to the sickness that afflicted a young, bright nineteen-year-old. Arriving home, the family felt discouraged. To their surprise, a nicely decorated box sat on the step with Isaiah 43:2 printed on the front. Inside, were assorted encouraging Bible verses that friends had written out by hand. The next hour was spent being encouraged by Scripture and the thoughtful gesture of the family’s friends.

People going through tough times or family challenges can always use a heartfelt boost. Scripture—either a large portion or just a verse—can encourage you, a friend, or family member. Isaiah 43 is filled with little bits of encouragement—received either individually, or as whole. Consider a few choice thoughts: God has “created you,” “formed you,” “redeemed you,” and called you by name (v. 1). God will be with you (v. 2), He’s “the Holy One of Israel,” and He’s our Savior (v. 3).

As you consider the promises of God, may they encourage you. And as He provides what you need, you can encourage someone else. The verse box didn’t cost a lot, but its impact was priceless. Even after five years, some of those verse cards are still cherished by the family.

What other promises can you find in Isaiah 43? Who can you share a promise card, text, or email with today?

Born Again?

By |2024-10-27T02:33:15-04:00October 27th, 2024|

“Born again? What does that mean?” asked the funeral director. “I’ve never heard of that term before.” Grasping the opportunity, the son of the deceased father explained what it meant through the words of John chapter 3.

“It comes down to the fact that we are all born once into this world,” he said. “God doesn’t have a magic scale where He weighs our good deeds against the bad. God requires us to be born of the Spirit,” he continued. “That’s why Jesus died on the cross—He paid for our sins and made it possible for us to possess eternal life with Him. We can’t make it on our own.”

In John 3, Nicodemus began to doubt if he truly had it all figured out. A trained teacher in the Scriptures (v. 1), he recognized that Jesus was different and that His teaching had authority (v. 2). He wanted to find out for himself, so he approached Christ one night to get the matter settled. Nicodemus must have accepted Jesus’ statement “You must be born again” (v. 7), and believed, because he helped prepare the Savior’s body for burial after He was crucified (John 19:39).

The funeral director agreed to go home and read the third chapter of John’s Gospel. Like the son who talked with the director, let’s take Jesus’ words to heart and share them with others as He helps us.

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