Do recent earthquakes, tsunamis, and other natural disasters indicate the endtimes? Categories: Christian lifeContemporary IssuesTags: end timeevilnatural disastersprophecysuffering
Why Would an All-Powerful God Permit Evil? Categories: BibleGodTags: evilfreedompermission of evilself-awarenesssufferingtheodicy
Isn’t the Idea of Demon Possession Outdated? Categories: BibleParanormalTags: deliverancedemonic possessiondepravityevilexorcismhuman evilmental illnesspreternaturalSatanic
Did evil come into existence at the time of Adam and Eve’s fall? Categories: BibleGodTags: creationdevilevilGarden of EdenLuciferorigin of evilSatan
Are Horror Movies Just Entertainment? Categories: Contemporary IssuesEthicsTags: entertainmentevilhorrormediamovies