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From devotionals to Bible study guides and audio/visual media, all these resources are available at no charge. Subscribe today!

Our Daily Bread Daily Devotionals

Trusted by millions of people all around the world, the Our Daily Bread devotional offers daily encouragement and hope from God’s Word. Our resources help make the life-changing wisdom of the Bible understandable and available to all and can help you experience a personal relationship with Christ and grow to be more like Him. It’s also great to share with friends, family and your church! From devotionals to Bible study guides and audio/visual media, all these resources are available at no charge. Subscribe today!


Print Subscription Options

Quarterly Print Edition

Receive a booklet with devotional content for 3 months, delivered to your doorstep every quarter. Choose from the regular print or large print options below:
quarterly ODB Pamphlets

Monthly Print Edition

Receive a booklet with devotional content, delivered to your doorstep each month. Choose from the regular print or large print options below:
quarterly ODB Pamphlets

Additional Languages

The Our Daily Bread quarterly booklets are available at no charge in several languages including: Arabic, French, Indonesian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese. Subscribe today!

Discovery Series Bible Study Booklets

Discovery Series resources focus on biblical wisdom for daily life and present the truth of Jesus highlighting the relevance of Scripture for all walks of life. They are available at no cost and can be used for personal study, small groups of ministry outreach. Choose from a quarterly mailing schedule or a monthly mailing plan.

Media Club Resources

Every two months we offer CDs and DVDs packed with quality topics including teaching material, studies on books of the Bible, videos on areas of Christian living, and the Holy land and so on . These resources are offered without cost or obligation.

Print Newsletter

Mailed twice a year, our bi-annual newsletter is packed with ministry updates, relevant articles and information about new resources from the ministry.