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The Best Gift

Seek and you will find. Luke 11:9

When I was packing up to go home to London, my mother approached me with a gift—one of her rings I had long admired. Surprised, I asked, “What’s this for?” She replied, “I think you should enjoy it now. Why wait until I die? It doesn’t fit me anyway.” With a smile I received her unexpected gift, an early inheritance that brings me joy.

My mom gave me a material gift, but Jesus promises that His Father will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask (Luke 11:13). If parents who are marred with sin can provide necessities (such as fish or eggs) for their children, how much more will our Father in heaven give to His children. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit (John 16:13), we can experience hope, love, joy, and peace even in times of trouble—and we can share these gifts with others.

Growing up, we may have had parents who were unable to love and care for us fully. Or we may have had mothers and fathers who were shining examples of sacrificial love. Or our experience may have been somewhere in between. Whatever we’ve known with our earthly parents, we can hold onto the promise that our heavenly Father loves us unceasingly. He gave His children the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Heavenly Father, I’m amazed at Your love for me. Help me to dwell in Your presence this day, sharing Your love with those I meet.

Our Father gives good gifts.


While mentioned all throughout the New Testament, the mission and work of the Holy Spirit is a particular focus of two key biblical texts: John 14–16 and Romans 8. In John 14–16, we find Jesus’s last teaching time with His followers before going to the cross. There He explained the ministry of the Spirit to the disciples who were reeling from the news that Jesus was going away—and they could not follow. After the Master’s departure, the gift of the Spirit would be to them a helper (14:16), teacher (14:26), and guide (16:13). In a very different setting, Paul tells Christ-followers in Rome that the Holy Spirit has a comprehensive ministry in the life of God’s child. The Spirit empowers (Romans 8:5), leads (v. 14), assures (v. 16), and assists in our prayers (vv. 26–27). The gift of the Spirit is the amazing spiritual resource that God has given to us to enable us to live for Him.

For more on the work of the Spirit, check out Free in the Spirit at

Bill Crowder

By |2018-06-22T12:25:35-04:00July 15th, 2018|
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