Engage / Who Are You Wearing?

Who Are You Wearing?

I have taken away your sin, and I will put fine garments on you. Zechariah 3:4

Engage / Who Are You Wearing?

Who Are You Wearing?

December 19, 2020
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Today's Scripture
Zechariah 3:1–7,10
Listen to today's devotional

The Argentine women’s basketball team came to their tournament game wearing the wrong uniforms. Their navy blue jerseys were too similar to Colombia’s dark blue jerseys, and as the visiting team they should have worn white. With no time to find replacement uniforms and change, they had to forfeit the game. In the future, Argentina will surely double-check what they’re wearing.

In the time of the prophet Zechariah, God showed him a vision in which the high priest Joshua came before God wearing smelly, filthy clothes. Satan sneered and pointed. He’s disqualified! Game over! But there was time to change. God rebuked Satan and told His angel to remove Joshua’s grubby garments. He turned to Joshua, “See, I have taken away your sin, and I will put fine garments on you” (Zechariah 3:4).

We came into this world wearing the stench of Adam’s sin, which we layer over with sin of our own. If we stay in our filthy clothes, we’ll lose the game of life. If we become disgusted with our sin and turn to Jesus, He’ll dress us from head to toe with Himself and His righteousness. It’s time to check, Who are we wearing?

The final stanza of the hymn “The Solid Rock” explains how we win. “When He shall come with trumpet sound, / Oh, may I then in Him be found; / Dressed in His righteousness alone, / Faultless to stand before the throne.”

Reflect & Pray

Who are you wearing? Are you trusting in your own goodness or Jesus? Which do you want God and others to notice?

Jesus, thank You for providing the way for my sin to be removed and for Your righteousness to cover me.

Today's Insight

The Old Testament records more than thirty men named Zechariah, a name which means “the Lord remembers.” However, none is more prominent than the Zechariah who wrote the book that bears his name. Zechariah is the longest of the twelve prophetic books from Hosea to Malachi, but because it’s relatively shorter than books like Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel (Major Prophets), it’s classified among the Minor Prophets. Zechariah was a post-exilic prophet; his ministry took place after the Babylonian exile (after 538 bc). Information within the book helps to determine the time of his service. Zechariah 1:1 and 7 mention Zechariah receiving a message from God in the second year of Darius. Zechariah 7:1 mentions the fourth year of Darius who was the Persian king who ruled from 522–486 bc.