Engage / Let Us Praise!

Let Us Praise!

May the nations be glad and sing for joy. Psalm 67:4

Engage / Let Us Praise!

Let Us Praise!

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Today's Scripture
Psalm 67
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When the alarm on Shelley’s phone goes off every day at 3:16 in the afternoon, she takes a praise break. She thanks God and acknowledges His goodness. Although she communicates with God throughout the day, Shelley loves to take this break because it helps her celebrate her intimate relationship with Him.

Inspired by her joyful devotion, I decided to set a specific time each day to thank Christ for His sacrifice on the cross and to pray for those who have yet to be saved. I wonder what it would be like if all believers in Jesus stopped to praise Him in their own way and pray for others every day.

The image of a beautiful wave of worship rolling to the ends of the earth resounds in the words of Psalm 67. The psalmist pleads for God’s grace, proclaiming his desire to make His name great in all the nations (vv. 1–2). He sings, “May the peoples praise you, God; may all the peoples praise you” (v. 3). He celebrates His sovereign rule and faithful guidance (v. 4). As a living testimony of God’s great love and abundant blessings, the psalmist leads God’s people into jubilant praise (vv. 5–6).

God’s continued faithfulness toward His beloved children inspires us to acknowledge Him. As we do, others can join us in trusting Him, revering Him, following Him, and acclaiming Him as Lord.

Reflect & Pray

When can you take a few minutes today to praise God? What do you have to be thankful for?

God, You are worthy of all our praise!

Today's Insight

Psalm 67 is a prayer that draws from God’s blessing to Abraham in Genesis 12:1–3 as well as the Aaronic blessing in Numbers 6:24–27 (“the Lord bless you and keep you . . .”). Because it emphasizes crops as a sign of God’s blessing (Psalm 67:6), this psalm might have been composed for use during harvest celebrations like the Festival of Tabernacles.

Typically, in the Old Testament the word translated “people” (Hebrew ‘am) refers primarily to the nation of Israel; however, Psalm 67 suggests that God’s blessing on “the people” extends beyond Israel to “the nations” (v. 4) and strongly emphasizes the universal scope of God’s goodness. Through God’s goodness to His people, He becomes known and revered throughout the earth (v. 2), just as God promised Abraham.