The Lord longs to be gracious to you . . . . Blessed are all who wait for him! Isaiah 30:18
Stuck in a stressful job with long hours and an unreasonable boss, James wished he could quit. But he had a mortgage, a wife, and a young child to take care of. He was tempted to resign anyway, but his wife reminded him: “Let’s hang on and see what God will give us.”
Many months later, their prayers were answered. James found a new job that he enjoyed and gave him more time with the family. “Those months were long,” he told me, “but I’m glad I waited for God’s plan to unfold in His time.”
Waiting for God’s help in the midst of trouble is hard; it can be tempting to try to find our own solution first. The Israelites did just that: under threat from their enemies, they sought help from Egypt instead of turning to God (Isaiah 30:2). But God told them that if they would repent and put their trust in Him, they would find strength and salvation (v. 15). In fact, He added, “the Lord longs to be gracious to you” (v. 18).
Waiting for God takes faith and patience. But when we see His answer at the end of it all, we’ll realize it was worth it: “Blessed are all who wait for him!” (v. 18). And what’s even more amazing, God is waiting for us to come to Him!
What prayer request has you waiting on God? How can you meditate on His faithfulness as you seek His answer?
Father, give me the patience to wait for Your answer. I know You’re a good and loving God whose timing and will are always perfect.
Learn more about waiting.
Isaiah 30 contains themes of both judgment and restoration for God’s people and judgment for the nations who oppressed them. The chapter can be broken down into three parts. Verses 1–18 note a warning and dangers for Judah who created an alliance with Egypt without consulting God (vv. 1–2). In verses 6 and 7, we see the envoys from Judah traveling through a dangerous land to take their “riches” and “treasures” to Egypt, which the Egyptians required in payment for military help. However, Isaiah warned that Egypt wouldn’t help as they claimed they would. The middle portion of the chapter, verses 19–26, provides a glimmer of hope, saying that the people of Zion in Jerusalem (v. 19) would one day be healed and blessed; their land, in particular, would be fruitful (vv. 23–25). However, the chapter ends on a solemn note, proclaiming judgment on Assyria (v. 31).