Engage / Set Apart

Set Apart

Paul was . . . set apart for the gospel of God. Romans 1:1

Engage / Set Apart

Set Apart

October 26, 2021
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Today's Scripture
Romans 1:1–6
Listen to today's devotional

The three-wheeled taxis of Sri Lanka, known as “tuk tuks,” are a convenient and delightful mode of transport for many. Lorraine, a resident of the capital of Colombo, also realized that they’re a mission field. Hopping onto a tuk tuk one day, she found the friendly driver more than happy to engage in conversation about religion. The next time, she told herself, she would talk to the driver about the good news.

The book of Romans starts with Paul declaring himself as “set apart for the gospel of God” (Romans 1:1). The Greek word for “gospel” is evangelion, which means “good news.” Paul was essentially saying that his main purpose was to tell God’s good news.

What is this good news? Romans 1:3 says that the gospel of God is “regarding his Son.” The good news is Jesus! It’s God who wants to tell the world that Jesus came to save us from sin and death, and He’s chosen us to be His mode of communication. What a humbling fact!

Sharing the good news is a privilege all believers in Jesus have been given. We’ve “received grace” to call others to this faith (vv. 5–6). God has set us apart to carry the exciting news of the gospel to those around us, whether on tuk tuks or wherever we are. May we, like Lorraine, look for opportunities in our daily life to tell others the good news that is Jesus.

Reflect & Pray

What barriers do you experience in sharing your faith? What talents or interests can you use to present the good news?

Jesus, thank You for making me Your mouthpiece for Your good news. May Your Spirit give me the courage and love to share about You today. 

Today's Insight

Paul wrote to the Roman church during his three-month stay in Corinth at the end of his third missionary journey (Acts 20:2–3). Telling them of his proposed visit and soliciting support for his future work in Spain (Romans 1:10–13, 15; 15:23–24, 28–29), he explained the theological foundation of the gospel (chs. 1–8). In chapters 1–3, Paul set out to show that all human beings are sinners, concluding that “all have sinned and fall short” of God’s standards (3:23). We aren’t saved by obeying the law but by God’s action of justifying us through faith in Jesus (1:16–17; 3:22–26). We’re justified (declared righteous and made right with God) by grace alone (sola gratia), through faith alone (sola fide), and in Christ alone (solus Christus).