Engage / Reasons to Rejoice

Reasons to Rejoice

The righteous will rejoice in the Lord and take refuge in him; all the upright in heart will glory in him! Psalm 64:10

Engage / Reasons to Rejoice

Reasons to Rejoice

October 19, 2022
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Today's Scripture
Psalm 64
Listen to today's devotional

When Ms. Glenda walked into the church commons area, her infectious joy filled the room. She had just recovered from a difficult medical procedure. As she approached me for our usual after-church greeting, I thanked God for all the times over the years that she’s wept with me, gently corrected me, and offered encouragement. She’s even asked for forgiveness when she’s thought she’s hurt my feelings. Whatever the situation, she always invites me to share my struggles honestly and reminds me that we have many reasons to praise God. 

Mama Glenda, as she lets me call her, wrapped me in a gentle hug. “Hi, Baby,” she said. We enjoyed a short conversation and prayed together. Then she left—humming and singing as always, looking for someone else to bless.

In Psalm 64, David boldly approached God with his complaints and concerns (v. 1). He voiced his frustrations about the wickedness he saw around him (vv. 2–6). He didn’t lose confidence in God’s power or the reliability of His promises (vv. 7–9). He knew that one day, “The righteous will rejoice in the Lord and take refuge in him; all the upright in heart will glory in him!” (v. 10).

As we wait for Jesus’ return, we’ll face tough times. But we’ll always have reasons to rejoice in every day God has made.

Reflect & Pray

What reasons has God given you to rejoice today? How can you encourage someone who may feel discouraged?

Almighty God, thank You for giving me so many reasons to rejoice as I celebrate who You are, what You’ve done, and all You’ve promised to do.

Today's Insight

David had many ruthless enemies who conspired against him and threatened his life. He wrote Psalms 52–64 to describe his fears and sufferings and his trust in God to deal with his enemies and protect him and keep him safe. Psalm 64 is the last of these testimonies. In this psalm, David wrote of the harm and the hurt he faced when his enemies spoke falsehood and evil against him (vv. 1–6). Believing God would come to his rescue, he spoke of God vindicating him and punishing these evildoers (vv. 7–9). David turned to God as his refuge and safe place (v. 10). In the New Testament, Paul advocated a similar response regarding our enemies: “Never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God. For the Scriptures say, ‘I will take revenge; I will pay them back,’ says the Lord” (Romans 12:19 nlt).