While I was on an outreach during a short-term mission trip to Peru, a young man asked me for money. For security reasons, my team had been instructed not to give out money, so how could I help him? Then I recalled the response of the apostles Peter and John to the lame man in Acts 3. I explained to him that I couldn’t give him money, but I could share the good news of God’s love with him. When he said that he was an orphan, I told him that God wants to be his Father. That brought him to tears. I connected him with a member of our host church for follow-up.
Sometimes our words can feel so insufficient, but the Holy Spirit can empower us as we share Jesus with others.
When Peter and John came across the man by the temple courts, they knew that sharing Christ was the greatest gift ever. “Then Peter said, ‘Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk’ ” (v. 6). The man received salvation and healing that day. God continues to use us to draw the lost to Him.
As we search for the perfect gifts to give this Christmas, let’s remember that the true gift is knowing Jesus and the gift of eternal salvation He offers. Let’s continue to seek to be used by God to lead people to the Savior.
Who can you pray for this Christmas? How can you prepare to share Christ with others?
Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of Jesus.
The book of Acts begins just before Jesus’ ascension and then proceeds to chronicle the acts of the apostles and the early church. After Christ ascended on the Mount of Olives (1:9-12), the disciples returned to Jerusalem and appointed Matthias to replace Judas (vv. 12-26). In chapter 2, we learn it was on the day of Pentecost, when Jews gathered from many nations to celebrate the festival. The disciples and other believers were gathered in a house when they heard a sound like roaring wind and what looked like “tongues of fire” (v. 3) separated and settled on each of them, filling them with the Holy Spirit (vv. 1-4). The believers immediately began speaking in other languages. The racket brought the crowds running. At once, Peter shouted to address the crowd and preached the gospel. Afterward, three thousand people believed and were baptized (v. 41).