Engage / Accepted and Approved

Accepted and Approved

You are precious and honored in my sight . . . . I love you. Isaiah 43:4

Engage / Accepted and Approved

Accepted and Approved

November 17, 2021
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Today's Scripture
Isaiah 43:1–4
Listen to today's devotional

As a child, Tenny felt insecure. He sought approval from his father, but he never received it. It seemed that whatever he did, whether in school or at home, it was never good enough. Even when he entered adulthood, the insecurity remained. He continually wondered, Am I good enough?

Only when Tenny received Jesus as his Savior did he find the security and approval he’d long yearned for. He learned that God—having created him—loved and cherished him as His son. Tenny finally could live with the confidence that he was truly valued and appreciated.

In Isaiah 43:1–4, God told His chosen people that, having formed them, He would use His power and love to redeem them. “You are precious and honored in my sight,” He proclaimed. He would act on their behalf because He loved them (v. 4).

The value God places on those He loves doesn’t come from anything we do, but from the simple and powerful truth that He’s chosen us to be His own.

These words in Isaiah 43 not only gave Tenny great security, but also empowered him with the confidence to do his best for God in whatever task he was called to do. Today he’s a pastor who does all he can to encourage others with this life-giving truth: we’re accepted and approved in Jesus. May we confidently live out this truth today.

Reflect & Pray

How do you think God sees you? What does John 1:12 tell you about your relationship with Him? What comfort do you find in that knowledge?

Heavenly Father, I know You love me, accept me, and cherish me. Thank You for adopting me as Your child and loving me without conditions.

Today's Insight

Against the backdrop of an imminent Assyrian invasion (Isaiah 7:18–25; 10:5–6) and the future Babylonian destruction and exile (39:6–7), God reminded the people of Judah that as His chosen people, they had a special relationship with Him (43:1). He also assured them of His love and protection through a self-revelation of who He is (vv. 1–7). Because they’re greatly loved by God, their Creator and Redeemer (v. 1), Protector (v. 2), and Savior (v. 3), they need not fear the invading Assyrians or the Babylonians (vv. 4–5). In calling God “the Holy One of Israel” (v. 3), Isaiah’s common designation for God (see 1:4; 10:20; 12:6; 30:12; 60:14), Isaiah extolled God’s complete holiness (see 6:3). Though God’s people remained unfaithful and unrepentant (43:22–24), God in His mercy had purposed to forgive them their sins (v. 25). Although they’d be forgiven, they’d still be disciplined through the Babylonian exile (v. 28).