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Being Finishers in Christ

Today's Devotional

You are a chosen people . . . that you may declare [his] praises. 1 Peter 2:9

Barbara passed away before she could finish a sweater she was knitting for her great-grandson, Ethan. The sweater was entrusted to the hands of another avid knitter to be completed thanks to an organization that connects volunteer crafters—“finishers”—with those whose loved ones have departed this life before finishing their projects. The “finishers” lovingly invest their time and skill to bring closure to a task that provides comfort to those who are grieving.

God appointed a “finisher” for Elijah’s work too. The prophet was lonely and discouraged at how the Israelites were rejecting God’s covenant and killing prophets. In response, God instructed Elijah to “anoint Elisha . . . to succeed [him] as prophet” (1 Kings 19:16). This ensured that the labor of proclaiming God’s truth would continue long past Elijah’s death.

To show Elisha that God had called him to succeed Elijah as God’s prophet, Elijah “threw his cloak around [Elisha]” (v. 19). Since a prophet’s cloak was used to indicate one’s authority as God’s chosen spokesman (see 2 Kings 2:8), this act made Elisha’s prophetic call clear.

As believers in Jesus, we’ve been called to share God’s love with others and “declare [his] praises” (1 Peter 2:9). Though the task may outlive us too, we can be assured that He’ll sustain the work and will continue to call other “finishers” to the sacred work of making Him known.

Who proclaimed God’s truth to you? How can you be part of making Him known to the world?

Father, please use me to accomplish Your work in the world.


In response to Elijah’s discouragement (1 Kings 19:10), he’s promised a divine revelation of God (v. 11). He experiences wind, earthquake, and fire (vv. 11-12), which we might have expected given other appearances of God in Scripture (Judges 5:4-5; Psalm 18:7-15). But this time, Elijah senses God’s presence only in “a gentle whisper” (1 Kings 19:12). This may have encouraged him that God doesn’t just reveal Himself through magnificent wonders but through the faithfulness of those who quietly listen to and share His words. This revelation encourages Elijah to continue his work as well as appoint his successor, Elisha.

By |2024-08-03T02:33:08-04:00August 3rd, 2024|
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