If you would like to restock any of the titles below for the Discovery Series display kit in your church, please order by individual title. These booklets are available in sets of 15, and at no charge.
Giving up on perfect
Tired of running the race of perfection in which there is no finish line? Allow the wisdom of Giving Up on Perfect to open your eyes and steady your heart with the truth that you don’t have to be perfect because He is.
When anger burns
Author Jackson helps us identify the root causes of anger and how the wisdom of the Bible can help us handle them. This helpful guide will challenge you to search your heart issues and trust the Holy Spirit to respond more like Christ when anger burns.
Overcoming worry
Worry can either bring us to the Father in heaven, or it can drive us away from Him. The challenge is how we choose to deal with it. Author David Egner offers a biblical and practical perspective on how we can put our worries to work for us, rather than allow them to consume us.
Comparison : The thief of Joy
Author Jennifer Grant identifies uses of social media that may be robbing us of joy and in turn shares how joy fuels gratitude, service, and a thriving connection with God and with the people around us.
Finding Peace in a Troubled World
Author Bill Crowder reminds us of God’s Spirit of peace that is available to us because of the death and resurrection of Jesus. As we put our trust in Jesus, we can find peace to calm our hearts, nurture our souls, and strengthen our relationships
Clinging to Hope in the Storm
Reflect on the rocky waves of your life and listen as God quiets the storms to whisper to your heart: I’m here with you.
Life after loss
Sharing his personal experience and pointing us to the cross and the power of Christ’s resurrection, Author Tim Jackson walks us through the grieving process and reminds us to “lean on our Creator and each other” for comfort.
Why? Seeing God in Our Pain
Why? seeks to trace the root and causes of our pain and suffering from a biblical perspective. Explore how you can experience the presence of God even when life is painful.
New Life: Transforming Power of the Gospel
Our rebirth is because of God’s choice to graciously sacrifice His Son! Explore with Constantine Campbell, the transforming power of the Gospel.
It's Not Fair
Join Bill Crowder, as he shows how you can restore your confidence in God and trust Him by focusing on His goodness rather than your circumstances.
What To Do With a Broken Relationship
Discover how you can rebuild, strengthen, and maintain relationships when you follow God’s example of love, humility, and forgiveness.
When God Says No
Learn how God can make broken dreams into a beginnings for new things.