Engage / Guiding Light

Guiding Light

God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. Genesis 1:3

Engage / Guiding Light

Guiding Light

September 4, 2019
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Today's Scripture
Genesis 1:1–5
Listen to today's devotional

The restaurant was lovely but dark. Only one small candle flickered on every table. To create light, diners used their smartphones to read their menus, look to their tablemates, and even to see what they were eating.

Finally, a patron quietly pushed back his chair, walked over to a waiter, and asked a simple question. “Could you turn on the lights?” Before long, a warm ceiling light flashed on and the room erupted with applause. But also with laughter. And happy chatter. And thank-yous. My friend’s husband turned off his phone, picked up his utensils, and spoke for us all. “Let there be light! Now, let’s eat!”

Our gloomy evening turned festive with the flick of a switch. But how much more important to know the real source of true light. God Himself spoke those astonishing words, “Let there be light,” on the first day when He created the universe, “and there was light” (Genesis 1:3). Then “God saw that the light was good” (v. 4).

Light expresses God’s great love for us. His light points us to Jesus, “the light of the world” (John 8:12), who guides us from the gloom of sin. Walking in His light, we find the bright path to a life that glorifies the Son. He is the world’s brightest gift. As He shines, may we walk His way.

Reflect & Pray

In what situation do you need Christ’s light to shine? When has His light guided you?

Loving God, we thank You for Jesus, the Light of the World, and the guiding light of His great love.

Today's Insight

One of the fascinating characteristics of Scripture is how different portions of the Bible echo one another—ultimately combining to tell the story of Jesus. We see this synergy when we compare today’s reading, Genesis 1:1–5, to John 1:1–5. Both begin with the phrase “in the beginning,” taking us back before time to see the work of God in creation. In the beginning, God existed (Genesis 1:1), and the Word (Jesus; John 1:1, 14) existed with the Father and the Spirit (Genesis 1:2). As Genesis 1 tracks the work of the Godhead in creation, John affirms that Christ was the primary agent of that creation (John 1:3). Both accounts resolve with light penetrating the darkness of the pre-creation void. Initially, that light was through the declared word of the Father (Genesis 1:3), a reality that anticipated the eventual coming of Jesus—the Light of the world (John 1:4–5; 8:12; 9:5).