Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority. Matthew 10:1
The young woman couldn’t sleep. A church bazaar was being held the next day to raise funds for educating daughters of clergymen. Having suffered a physical disability for many years, she alone of all her family members was unable to help. I’m useless, she thought. As Charlotte Elliott tossed and turned, she gave in to her distress and was soon questioning every aspect of her spiritual life.
Still restless the next day, Charlotte determined to focus instead on what she knew to be true of God. She moved to a desk and picked up paper and pen to write down the words of the now classic hymn, “Just as I Am.”
“Just as I am, without one plea, But that Thy blood was shed for me, And that Thou bidst me come to Thee, O Lamb of God, I come, I come.”
Her words, written in 1835, express the right attitude to have as we contemplate service for our Savior. We don’t have to be ready—we have to be willing. Think about the team Jesus sent out to serve Him. It was a ragtag group, including a tax collector, a zealot, two overly ambitious brothers (see Mark 10:35–37), and Judas Iscariot “who betrayed him” (Matthew 10:4). But they were willing to go, just as they were. And Jesus gave them authority to “heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons” (v. 8)—all without taking any money, luggage, extra shirt or sandals, or even a walking stick with them (vv. 9–10).
“I am sending you,” He said (v. 16), and He was enough. For each of us who say yes to Jesus, He still is.
What’s your current situation or status in life? What doubts have you expressed about your readiness to be used by God?
Jesus, bid me to come to You, fully dependent on Your grace and power to make a difference.
As Jesus sent out His twelve disciples, He gave them very clear directions: take your message to those who will listen and leave the homes of those who won’t (Matthew 10:13–15). Some scholars see a connection here to Matthew 25 where Jesus described how the nations will be judged—those who receive even the “least of these brothers and sisters of mine” will inherit eternal life (v. 40). Those who reject Jesus’ messengers reject Jesus and life itself. The message of hope is ours to carry to the world, and we hope and pray people will repent and believe; yet it’s their choice what they’ll do with it.