Dear Friend,
In these times, I don’t know about you, but I have become much more attuned to the challenges people are facing in this world. Whether it is the pinch in my wallet due to higher prices or the larger struggles going on across our country and around the globe, people face serious trials and hardships. This has become especially real to us, as we have affiliated offices in Ukraine, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar. They share with us regularly the difficulties of serving in those environments.
I have encouraged all of our employees to continuously focus on the Lord in faith, knowing that our sovereign, all-mighty, all-knowing, all-loving God is in control. I hope you will as well, remind yourself that we do not place our hope in worldly solutions. We might feel like we are facing insurmountable challenges, but we know our God is faithful, and it is during those challenges that our faith and trust grows stronger.
As we continue to be a ministry rooted in the Bible and driven by prayer, I pray that the stories and resources about hope inside this newsletter bring you the exact message of encouragement and comfort you need. Remember our Heavenly Father “knows what you need before you ask Him” (Matthew 6:8).
With hope in Him,
Brent Hackett, CEO
Our Daily Bread Ministries Canada
P.S. Please pray for our need for additional office space. Our plans to expand our building are no longer feasible, so we are considering other options. We continue to trust in the Lord’s timing, faithfulness, plans and provision for this ministry.
As we continue to minister together across the globe, Our Daily Bread Sri Lanka is experiencing severe challenges yet trusting God’s faithful provision. The nation is in its worst economic crisis since it gained independence in 1948.
The Sri Lankan government can no longer afford to pay for imports of many foods and fuel, and shortages have caused prices to soar. Food prices have increased by 50%, and medicine has gone up 70–100%. The availability of public transportation has decreased by 50%, and daily power cuts occur in both the morning and evening.
Despite the fact that the cost of printing annual editions of Our Daily Bread has increased 200%, their team has committed to printing 17,000 copies in three languages: English, Sinhala, and Tamil. They also plan to print 9,000 copies of the Discovery Series In His Presence, a simple guide to encourage people to spend time with the Lord in Bible reading and prayer.
The Sri Lanka team believes that at a time like this, God’s Word to encourage, comfort, and bring a message of hope is needed more than ever. The lasting solution is not an economic or political one, although these seem key at this time. The lasting solution is for people to find spiritual help and strength in Jesus.
Although Canadian charity law prohibits us from financially supporting the team in Sri Lanka, we are able to purchase products they publish in the Tamil and Sinhala languages. Your support of Our Daily Bread Ministries Canada helps us purchase these products and make them available to the Tamil and Sinhala speakers in Canada. Thank you for partnering with us to make the life-changing wisdom of the Bible available to people of all nations.
Kids ask tough questions about life, and we want to give them clear, satisfying answers that encourage their trust in God.And yet sometimes, we struggle to answer these questions for ourselves, let alone giving a straight-forward explanation to a young person. Below is an excerpt from Moments with God for Kids: 100 Devotions to Answer your Questions about Our Amazing God, which answers tough questions using ideas kids understand and can use to dig deeper.
Why Does God Allow Suffering?
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But takeheart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
Being a Christian has tons of advantages. You get the Holy Spirit inside of you to help guide your thoughts and actions. You’re no longer a slave to sin, but instead you have a choice to do the right thing. Plus you get the awesome prize of eternal life in heaven. There are so many perks to following Jesus!
But being a Christian does not mean you won’t still have problems. Jesus says straight up, “In this world you will have trouble.”
What kind of trouble have you experienced? Have you ever gotten sick? Broken a bone? Become discouraged or hurt by unkind classmates or gossiping friends? Maybe you struggle with fear or anxiety, or your family has been through hard times, and you wonder if God sees your pain.
He does.
Many “bad” experiences can happen to us in life. But the truth is God is not just aware of them, He allows them.
Not because He enjoys seeing you suffer. Quite the opposite! God loves you; He stays close to you when you’re suffering, and He hurts to see you hurting.
But He also knows the experiences we call “bad” are actually meant to produce something good in our lives. He never allows suffering without a reason, and He is sovereign over our struggles. Our job as Christians is to trust Him—that even the hardships we face are somehow a part of God’s love for us, and He’s working them all out for good. God’s plan always wins!
- Can you think of a time when something happened to you that seemed bad at first, but actually turned out for good?
- Do you think Jesus allows trouble? How can suffering help make us stronger or grow us closer to God?
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testi ng of your faith produces perseverance. —James 1:2-3
Our Daily Bread Author Katara Washington Patt on Shares Her Story.
Depression hit Katara Washington Patton like a gut punch. As a high achieving, joyful woman of faith who grew up in an idyllic setting, Katara wasn’t prepared when the dark clouds of depression settled in and wouldn’t lift . Looking back, Katara recognized several contributing factors, but she said, “I was side swiped by my mother’s death. I was struggling to get out of bed. Those were dark, dark days for me.”
As she learned how to manage her depression, Katara found many helpful, and some not-so-helpful, ways to keep herself encouraged and looking forward when all she wanted to do was collapse on the couch. She shares these personal reflections, practical steps, and godly wisdom in the 90-day devotional, Navigating the Blues: Where to Turn When Worry, Anxiety, or Depression Steals Your Hope. A friend encouraged her to write the book, and Katara said, “if one person picks it up and says, I can find hope, it will be worth it.”
“Depression can be so overwhelming. Any mental issue is so isolating,” Katara said. “This is your book that says, How do I get out of bed in the morning, refocus, and have just enough to make it through the day? Even on your cloudy days, even on a hard, hard, deeply depressed day, God is with you. God is holding you. And there are practical things that you can do to take that next step.”
Take it one step at a time
“If you look at the whole picture it’s going to overwhelm you even more or make you sadder and stuck, so take one step at a time,” Katara said. When you have zero energy, even the simplest of tasks can seem daunting. So, give yourself a break and understand that healing takes time.
“This whole book is about the things I did in the throes of depression,” Katara said. The “Progress, Not Perfection” section of the book will offer “a slice of encouragement” for day-to-day growth.
Understand that it’s a process
While Katara believes people are genuinely trying to be helpful, some of the most difficult comments to hear were All you need is Jesus or Just snap out of it. Katara knowingly smiled and asked, “Don’t you think I would do that if I could? I would love to be able to get out of bed and grasp the day.”
There are many ways to find relief from depression which may include exercise and healthy eating, surrounding yourself with trusted friends and family, medication, or a qualified counselor. Whatever methods you try, understand that it takes time.
Know that you are not alone
Walking through depression or anxiety can feel so isolating, yet remember you are not truly alone.
“Finding hope when you’re so down can be tough because everything is exaggerated. It’s overwhelming,” Katara said. “But look around you. There are people that have walked this journey and have a testimony. There is a benefit to being authentic, and you can’t get that when you’re not in relationship with others.”
Your church community can be a good place to ask questions and listen to those who have experienced similar situations. And Scripture is full of examples of suff ering—Hagar, Elijah, Mary Magdalene, Jesus—who were at human low points and who God comforted.
Turn to Scripture for encouragement
God’s Word can be a love letter to our souls. Although there are several key Scripture verses that play a big part in Katara’s healing, one of her favourites is John 10:10: “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
“That reminds me when I’m depressed this is not the space I’m supposed to stay in. My life is supposed to be full, complete, joyous, abundant,” Katara said. “It’s a reminder to me that even if I’m not feeling that right now, I need to be getting there because that’s my promise.”
Compassion Is Key
If you are walking alongside someone experiencing depression, remember that compassion goes a long way. “If someone’s going through something you don’t understand, sometimes the best thing you can do is pack your compassion and pack your silence. Be there, but don’t be judgmental,” Katara emphasized. “You can’t solve the problem of depression, but you can be a soft spot for someone.” You can be a listening ear, a prayer warrior, a gentle encourager, or someone who offers kindness and tangible ways like bringing a meal. Katara calls them “little nuggets of compassion” that mean so much to someone who is hurting.
She wouldn’t have willingly chosen depression as the vehicle to get her where she is, yet Katara can affirm, “I can sit here and praise God for it, because at the end of the day, that’s a big part of my journey.
About the author
Katara is a writer, editor, wife, mom, daughter, sister and friend. She has been in the publishing industry for all of her adult life and loves it. She specializes in theology, social media, audience engagement, digital publishing, children and youth development, curriculum, and African American interests. Currently she’s a Senior Editor at Our Daily Bread Publishing. She and her husband Derrick reside in Chicago with their daughter Kayla.