‘We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.’~ 2 CORINTHIANS 5: 20
You can help spread the encouraging messages found in Our Daily Bread by partnering with us to share God’s love and truth with others around you! We have many people who faithfully share Our Daily Bread every 3 months, by receiving a quantity of booklets and passing them out to friends, family, coworkers, or neighbours. There are businesses that have reception areas and place the current edition of Our Daily Bread in a visible location for visitors to read. We’ve even received stories of people who have found an edition of Our Daily Bread on a bus, placed there each day by a local commuter.
Please fill in your details below including the number of Our Daily Bread quarterly booklets you would like to receive and distribute. These booklets are available in regular print size as well as large print. You can choose to request quantities of both options. The booklets will be sent to your mailing address every quarter. The only thing we ask, is that you do distribute the booklets when you receive them.
Please note: This form is for requests within Canada only. For other countries, please contact your local Our Daily Bread Ministries office.
(When distributing Our Daily Bread, please be wise and respectful. Some businesses, such as retail stores or shopping malls, may restrict distribution on their property. Also ensure the booklets are not blown around or considered “litter” if placed in open areas, such as parks or transit facilities.)
Our Daily Bread Ministries Canada reserves the right to limit distribution quantities to ensure fair and equitable allocation of ministry resources.