Channeling is a form of occultism. Even if secular psychologists are right when they assume that channeling allows the contents of the subconscious to “erupt” upward into consciousness it would be dangerous. If it is true, according to their model, that the subconscious is capable of overwhelming and displacing a person’s consciousness, it would be increasingly difficult for that person to differentiate between fact and illusion, reality or hallucination. If we abdicate conscious responsibility for our behavior and allow subconscious images and impulses to control us, the most destructive aspects of our personality might come to the fore.
Second, Christians have always believed that those who give up conscious control of their minds through occultism open themselves to control by external spiritual evil — Satan and his demons. If a person is in the dissociated state of mediumship, at best he is being controlled by a subconscious aspect of his personality and losing control of his mind. At worst, he is being controlled by an evil spirit being.