Shouldn’t English-speaking Christians use the Hebrew names Yahweh (YHWH) for God and Yahshua for Jesus?
Addictions and Other Destructive Behaviors: Sin or Disease? Categories: ChristianityPersonal StrugglesTags: addictiondiseaseillnesslifestyleself-destructionsicknesssin
Why Doesn’t the World Health Community Promote More Programs Like Uganda’s? Categories: ChristianityContemporary IssuesTags: AIDSchastitydiseaseepidemiologyHIVSTDs
Are There Other Victims of AIDS? Categories: Contemporary IssuesPersonal StrugglesTags: abstinenceAIDSconsequencesdiseaseHIV
How Is Endorsing a Public Health Approach an Opportunity for Christian Witness? Categories: ChristianityContemporary IssuesTags: AIDSchastitydiseaseepidemiologyHIVSTDs