Should Christian Couples Use Birth Control? Categories: ChristianityEthicsTags: birth controlcontraceptionintimacylovemarriagesexuality
How Can We Love our Neighbor as Our Self, as Jesus Commanded? Categories: Christian lifeEthicsPersonal StrugglesRelationshipsTags: loveloving one's neighborself-love
How Can It Be Consistent with God’s Character to Demand Our Worship? Categories: GodRelationshipsTags: loverespectworship
What Did Jesus Mean When He Said to Turn the Other Cheek (Matthew 5:39)? Categories: BibleChristianityTags: eye for an eyeforgivenessgetting evenlovepassivityredemptionself-defenseturn the other cheekvengeance
What Do Muslims Believe About God? Categories: Contemporary IssuesWorld ReligionsTags: AbbaAllahGod's sufferingheavenly FatherholinessLamb of GodloveMuslimQur'ansacrificesacrificialself-revelation
Why Shouldn’t Sex Be Casual? Categories: Contemporary IssuesEthicsTags: boundariescoarsedignityfulfillmenthypocriticalignoranceillicitindividualityintimacylovelustseductionvulnerability
Does Scripture require us to love others more than we love ourselves? Categories: BibleChristian lifeTags: lovesacrificial loveselfishness
Should Forgiveness Be Unconditional? Categories: ChristianityRelationshipsTags: forgivenessloverepentanceunconditionalundeserved
Should Children Be Taught to Fight Back or Be Told to “Turn the Other Cheek”? Categories: EthicsPersonal StrugglesTags: aggressionbulliesbullyenemygolden ruleloverestraintrevengeself-defenseself-respectviolence