Am I a Weak Person Headed for an Abusive Marriage? Categories: Personal StrugglesRelationshipsTags: abuseco-dependentfear of othershusbandmarriagepersonal strugglessexual abusewife
Do People Choose to Have Same-Gender Sexual Attractions? Categories: Personal StrugglesRelationshipsTags: gayhomosexualitylesbianpersonal strugglessame-sex attractions
How Do I Deal with My Same-Sex, Physical Attractions to Other Men? Categories: Personal StrugglesRelationshipsTags: Exodus Internationalgayhomosexualitypersonal strugglespuritysame-sex attractions
Did David and Jonathan Share a Homosexual Relationship? Categories: Personal StrugglesRelationshipsTags: homosexual relationshiphomosexualitymale friendshippersonal struggles
What Does the Bible Teach About Mothers Working Outside the Home? Categories: Christian lifePersonal StrugglesRelationshipsTags: family strugglesmotherpersonal struggleswork
Why Do Christians Avoid Expressions of Anger? Categories: Basics Of FaithChristian lifePersonal StrugglesTags: angerconsequencespersonal struggles
What Did Jesus Mean, “Lead Us Not Into Temptation”? Categories: Christian lifePersonal StrugglesTags: lustpersonal strugglessintemptation
I’m a Christian, So Why Am I Unhappy? Categories: Christian lifePersonal StrugglesTags: depressiongriefhappinessJoypersonal strugglessorrowspiritual insecurity
How Can I Go on Living When I Feel Like I Want to Die? Categories: Christian lifePersonal StrugglesTags: depressiondisappointmentdiscouragementpersonal strugglessuicideteststrials
Is It Right for a Husband and Wife to View Pornographic Videos? Categories: EthicsPersonal StrugglesRelationshipsTags: personal strugglespornographysexsexual compulsionsexual guiltsexual pressureSong of Solomonx-rated