Is It Inconsistent for Believers in God to Look for Scientific Explanations of Natural Things? Categories: Contemporary IssuesGodTags: agnosticismatheismevidencefaithSciencetheism
Why Believe in God’s Existence, When It Can’t Be Proven Scientifically? Categories: ChristianityGodTags: atheismbeliefdesignfactfaithGod's existencerationalrealityscientific factscientific prooftheismvalues
Why Would God Allow Bad Things to Happen to “Good” People? Categories: GodPersonal StrugglesTags: deathGod's loveinjusticejusticepainpersecutionsufferingtheismtheodicy
Is Richard Dawkins’ Claim That Religious Faith Is the Main Cause of Violence Correct? Categories: Contemporary IssuesWorld ReligionsTags: atheismDawkinsfaithfearhatredreligiontheismviolence
Why Is Creation Such an Emotionally Charged Issue? Categories: Contemporary IssuesGodTags: atheismcreationDarwinismdesignevidenceevolutionnaturalisttheism