Why don’t Protestant Christians pray to Mary and other saints, seeking their help and intercession? Categories: ChristianityWorld ReligionsTags: heavenMaryprayersaintsworship
Should Christians keep the Old Testament feasts? Categories: ChristianityWorld ReligionsTags: feastsholidaysJudaismJudaizerlegalismmessianicreligionworship
Do the Sabbath Requirements of Old Testament Law Carry Over to Sunday? Categories: Contemporary IssuesEthicsTags: sabbathSundayworship
How Can It Be Consistent with God’s Character to Demand Our Worship? Categories: GodRelationshipsTags: loverespectworship
Do We Disobey God When We Don’t Worship on Saturday, the Sabbath? Categories: BibleEthicsTags: ChristianitysabbathSundayworship
Why don’t Protestant Christians worship Mary and the saints? Categories: ChristianityWorld ReligionsTags: heavenMaryprayersaintsworship
What Kind of Worship Does God Want? Categories: GodRelationshipsTags: churchcongregationfellowshippraiseprayerworship