Jack and Trisha were driving to the hospital late one night for the birth of their second child when the unexpected happened. Trisha began to deliver the baby! Jack called 911 and Cherie White, an emergency dispatcher, was able to talk Jack through the delivery. But the baby wouldn’t breathe. So Cherie then instructed Jack how to give emergency breathing, which he had to do for six anxious minutes. Finally the newborn took a breath and cried. When asked later how they all got through the ordeal and remained calm, Cherie responded, “I’m glad God works midnights!”
I love to hear media reports in which God gets the glory He deserves for something good that’s happened. In the Bible reading for today, it’s obvious that God should get the credit for parting the Red Sea to help His people escape from Pharaoh, even though Moses was the one who raised his staff (EXODUS 14:26–27). Moses and all the Israelites gathered together and sang God’s praises: “Who is like you among the gods, O Lord—glorious in holiness, awesome in splendor, performing great wonders?” (15:11).
When something good happens, God deserves the credit, for He’s the source of all that’s good. Give Him the glory. Aren’t you glad He works midnights?