Engage / Who Is He?

Who Is He?

Who is he, this King of glory? The Lord Almighty—he is the King of glory. Psalm 24:10

Engage / Who Is He?

Who Is He?

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Today's Scripture
Psalm 24
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On our way home from our honeymoon, my husband and I waited to check in our luggage at the airport. I nudged him and pointed to a man standing a few feet away.

My spouse squinted. “Who is he?”

I excitedly rattled off the actor’s most notable roles, then walked up and asked him to take a photo with us. Twenty-four years later, I still enjoy sharing the story of the day I met a movie star.

Recognizing a famous actor is one thing, but there’s Someone more important I’m thankful to know personally. “Who is this King of glory?” (Psalm 24:8). The psalmist David points to the Lord Almighty as Creator, Sustainer, and Ruler of all. He sings, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters” (vv. 1–2). In awestruck wonder, David proclaims God is above all, yet intimately approachable (vv. 3–4). We can know Him, be empowered by Him, and trust Him to fight on our behalf, as we live for Him (v. 8).

God provides opportunities for us to declare Him as the only Famous One truly worth sharing with others. As we reflect His character, those who don’t recognize Him can have more reasons to ask, “Who is He?” Like David, we can point to the Lord with awestruck wonder and tell His story!

Reflect & Pray

What has the Lord shown you about Himself? How might you share that with someone?

Lord, thanks for blessing us with the pleasure and privilege of seeking You and giving us opportunities to share You with others every day.

Today's Insight

Psalm 24 is often paired with Psalm 15 as a liturgy that was sung when people entered the temple for worship. In Psalm 24:7–10 David describes the God who deserves our worship. He is the “King of glory” and the “Almighty.” The Hebrew word for glory, kābôd, literally means “weight, substance, significance”; it emphasizes God’s status and splendor. The word translated Almighty suggests the idea of God conquering and ruling in a battle or an army.

Both psalms identify who can enter the Lord’s “mountain”: one “whose walk is blameless, who does what is righteous” (15:2); “one who has clean hands and a pure heart” (24:4). The Hebrew word for blameless means “without defect.” This word is used elsewhere to describe both the righteous (2 Samuel 22:24) and acceptable sacrifices (Leviticus 14:10; 22:19). However, it’s impossible to be “righteous” or “blameless” on our own. It’s only through Christ’s sacrifice that we can be declared righteous (Philippians 3:8–9).