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Worth the Wait

Today's Devotional

Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born to him. Genesis 21:5

Talk about a layover. Phil Stringer waited eighteen hours to board a flight that was delayed due to thunderstorms. His patience and perseverance paid off, however. Not only did he get to fly to his destination and make it on time for important business meetings, but he was also the only traveler on the flight! All the other passengers gave up or made other arrangements. Flight attendants gave him whatever food items he desired, and Stringer adds, “I did sit in the front row, of course. Why not when you have the whole plane to yourself?” The outcome was definitely worth the wait.

Abraham also endured what must have felt like a lengthy delay. Way back when he was known as Abram, God told him that He would make him “into a great nation” and that “all peoples on earth [would] be blessed through” him (Genesis 12:2-3). Only one problem for the seventy-five-year-old man (v. 4): how could he become a great nation without an heir? His waiting was left wanting at times, however. He and wife Sarai tried to “help” God fulfill His promise with some misguided ideas (see 15:2-3; 16:1-2). And when he “was a hundred years old . . . Isaac was born to him” (21:5). His faith was later celebrated by the writer of Hebrews (11:8-12).Waiting can be hard. And, like Abraham, we might not do it perfectly. But as we pray and rest in God’s plans, may He help us persevere. In Him, it’s always worth the wait.

What are you waiting for? How can you rest and persevere in God’s strength?

Dear God, please help me wait and persevere in You.


Genesis 12 records God’s call of Abram—later renamed Abraham (17:5)—an event central to the biblical story. The chosen nation of Israel would come through Abraham (Isaiah 41:8), and from Israel would come the Messiah, Jesus Christ, who would save humanity and the world. But the story begins small, with one man commanded to “Go” (Genesis 12:1) and then promised that “all peoples on earth [would] be blessed through [him]” (v. 3). But he was given no details as to how. Later, Abraham is commanded by God to “take” his beloved son Isaac and offer him “as a burnt offering” (22:2). After Abraham demonstrated that he’d obey (though God provided a substitute sacrifice), the promises first given in Genesis 12 were given to him a second time (22:15-18). In the New Testament, we’re told that God’s redemption story continues through believers in Jesus, who are included in God’s people and chosen to reveal who He is to the world (1 Peter 2:9-10).

Learn more about God’s promise to Abraham.

By |2024-08-28T02:33:08-04:00August 28th, 2024|
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