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Why Are There Two Interpretations About the Bible’s Teaching on Homosexuality?

Why are there two radically different interpretations regarding what the Bible teaches about homosexuality?

The most likely reason is that many individuals on both sides of the issue have made up their minds long before they open the Bible. When they do turn to the Scriptures, preconceived opinions and intense emotions tend to color their interpretations.

Whatever side of the issue a person is on, it can be difficult to set aside strong views and feelings and come to the Bible with an objective, open mind. Consequently, whether people realize it or not, many are strongly motivated to make the Bible fit into their beliefs and attitudes about homosexuality, rather than letting the Bible mold their viewpoints and feelings.

For instance, those who support homosexuality as a lifestyle abandon fundamental rules of interpreting the biblical texts in order to come up with conclusions that support their personal views. On the other hand, those who oppose homosexuality self-righteously consider it to be the worst sin possible. They tend to overlook the equally strong words the Bible has for heterosexual immorality and many other sins that most people commit.

No one, of course, is completely unbiased when they read the Bible. We all have formed views shaped by family upbringing, culture, and religious background. And most have strong feelings about homosexuality — for or against. But as we try to understand what the Bible says about homosexuality (or anything else for that matter), we must make the discovery of truth our primary goal, even if that truth differs with what we strongly believe. The Bible is to be our teacher, not a tool we manipulate in order to promote our personal agendas.

One thing is certain; both sides can’t be right. And it’s up to each individual to be like the Bereans mentioned in Acts 17:11 who searched the Bible for themselves to verify the truth.

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